Our Lead Consultant Sophie (she/her) has 20+ years of experience which brings an understanding of the systems, cultures and issues at all levels of Sporting Organisations within Australia from her personal experience as an Athlete, Technical Official and Administrator.
Sophie has worked for and with local clubs, State Sporting Organisations (SSO) and National Sporting Organisations (NSO). She has worked directly with government offices and agencies such as Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), Sport Australia (SA), Sporting Schools (SSP), Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) & the National Sports Tribunal (NST).
SLC aims to make sport a safe and inclusive space for everyone and hopes to improve and eradicate issues around:
Child Safety
Abuse and Harassment
Discrimination: LGBTIQ+, Diversity etc.
Gender Equality
Systemic Issues: Policy & Process
We understand that every sport is different, however this does not excuse bad behaviour or unsafe practices. All experiences are valid.
Sport. Lifestyle. Culture. would like to deliver services to individuals and the community to help provide a safe and inclusive environment for all involved.
If you would like to contribute to our efforts to help those in the community that have limited resources and funding, we welcome any support or donations you would like to contribute.
These funds will go towards:
Not-for-profit status of the organisation
Facilities to enable delivery of education and training
No-cost services to athletes and other persons seeking advice on how to report within their sport
Consultation services to Clubs, Associations and Organisations that have low to little resource availability